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Capacitive reactance (expressed in ohms) is inversely-proportional to the supply frequency, so it will decrease when the frequency increases. The following equation applies:

XC = 1/(2 pi f C)


XC = capacitive reactance, in ohms

f = frequency, in hertz

C = capacitance, in farads

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Q: Does the capacitor's opposition to alternating current increase or decrease as the frequency of the current increases?
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How capacitor behave in alternating current?

Capacitors have an equivalent reactance of 1/jwC (ohms) where w is the angular frequency of the AC signal and C is the capacitance. As the frequency of the signal across the capacitor increases, the capacitor reactance approaches 0 (capacitor acts like a short circuit). As the frequency of the signal across the capacitor decreases, the capacitor reactance approaches infinity (capacitor acts like an open circuit). So, if you have a high frequency signal (like a step input) the capacitor will momentarily act like a short.

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