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No- churches and other tax-exempt charities do not pay income tax on the donations they are given. Church employees have to pay income tax on their salaries and the church must collect with-holding tax on these salaries.

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Q: Does the church have to pay income taxes on tithes?
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Related questions

Can you pay your tithes to a Christian School?

no. you must pay your tithes to a church

Does the Mormon Church pay income taxes?

Churches do not pay income tax or property tax. Part of the separation of church and state in the United States.

If you make 1760.00 a month how much tithes to the church do you pay?

The word tithe means ten percent. Ten percent of $1760 is $176. However, there is no commandment in the Bible that requires Christians to pay ten percent of their income to the church.Tithing is not part of New Testament Christianity.Your Tithe Expert

What taxes did french peasants pay?

The french peasants paid royal taxes, tithes to the church, and manorial dues to the lords

Which countries don't pay income taxes?

Monaco doesn't pay income taxes

What were the types of taxes extracted by french government?

the church extracted its share of taxes called tithes from peasants and finally all members of the third estate had to pay taxes to the state. These included taille, and a no. of indirect taxes like salt or tobacco etc.

Is anyone exempted from paying tithes?

All Christians are exempt from paying tithes. God/Bible never commanded Christians to pay tithes. Tithing is not part of New testament Christianity.Your Tithe Expert

Will you pay taxes on your pension?

Yes could have to pay some income taxes on your pension income.

Does the estate pay taxes?

Estates pay taxes on income and may have to pay inheritance taxes.

What is the amount of income individuals have after they save and pay their taxes?

= the amount of income individuals have after they save and pay their taxes? =

Did the king pay tithes?

Of course, all subjects of the Church - meaning all men, including the King - paid tithes.

On loss income money do we pay taxes taxes on it?

Generally, if you have NET income after deductions and losses, you pay tax.