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Not really. The color isn't as important to doctors as the duration that the nose has been running and if the person has a fever.

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Q: Does the color of mucus mean anything?
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What is the color of mucus?

Mucus can sometimes be yellow or if you have a virus it can be yellow with blood spots in it( this could just mean your throat is irritated)

Does hair color mean anything?

well no everyone have different color so no anything

What color is your mucus when you have a cold?


What is does the color blue mean?

It doesn't really mean anything it's just a color......But it reminds me of the ocean.

What substance does the cilia produce?

Mucus if anything.

can mucus be the color green?

yes, if you have a sinus infection

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What does cream cervical mucus mean?

It could mean a number of things: your ovulating or you have an infection, etc. The best thing to do is go to your doctor becaues it depends on the color, thinkness, smell.

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What if you don't have a favorite color?

If you don't have a favorite color, it doesn't mean anything. A lot of people don't have a favorite color.

What does it mean if your favorite color is turquiose?

It means your favourite color is turquoise. Anything more is just superstition.

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I don't know. All of my dreams are in color so maybe everyone's dreams are different and don't mean anything special.