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The different order of blood between a live person and a dead one would be the lack of oxygen in the blood. It becomes stagnat like a pool that doesn't flow.

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Q: Does the consistency and order of blood change between a live person and a dead person?
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Is it possible for blood type to change if a person has lupus and forgets to take their medication?

Neither lupus nor lupus medication can change a person's blood type.

Can lupus medication change blood type?

No, but a bone marrow transplant would change your blood type.

What is congealed blood?

Blood does congeal once it outside of the body forming a jelly like consistency.

Where can I find information about my personality if I'm on blood type AB?

There is no proven correlation between a person's blood type and his or her personality, despite popular assertions that the two are connected. People with blood type AB are supposedly quite sociable and adaptable to change, but again, there is no proven correlation between blood type and personality.

Do normal blood pressure readings change depending upon the person's age?

A normal blood pressure is between 120 and 150. Blood pressure readings do change with age, as you normally start to develop heart problems (especially in men). However, this change will be gradual, and your body will adapt to it. You will often notice no signs of high blood pressure until your next trip to the doctor.

Can o negative person s blood change to o positive during pregnancy?

No, blood can't change type during pregnancy.

What happens when a person does not change his or her position for a long time?

When a person does not change his or her position for a long time, a blood clot may develop.

How does the rate of blood flow change when a person stops exercising?

when a person IS exercising, their blood flow speeds up as their heart is pumping more blood around the body, so when a person stops exercising, their blood flow gradually slows down

How would you describe the consistency of blood plasma?

plasma is the consistence of a watery pudding

What problems can occur during menstruation?

Menstrual problems include missing a period, change in the length of the cycle, changes in the flow, color, or consistency of menstrual blood, and extreme pain or other menstrual symptoms.

How often is a person allowed to donate blood in Canada?

Minimum interval between blood donations is 56 days.

Do you turn into an animal when someone injects animal blood into your bloodstream?

No, because it is not your blood, or your blood type (unless it is another person with the same blood type) and so your body will naturally reject it. Also, your body isn't a fool, and si it won't change your entire identity in something a simple as that! Even if the person/animal has the same blood type as your blood and it accepts it, you don't change into that person or animal, your body changes the DNA in the blood to make it your own, plus, just a little injection of blood won't change ALL of the rest of your blood! But, be careful, you could get horrible diseases from it, like HIV, AIDS, or others like that, which may kill you!