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Q: Does the constitution allow ciitzens to abolish corrupt government?
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How did state Constitution protect rights?

Protected from the Federal government incase it was corrupt/etc

Why did Missourians write a constitution in 1943-44 and ratified in 1945?

Missourians wrote a Constitution in 1943-44 and ratified in 1945 to get rid of corrupt departments of their government.

In final fantasy tactics advanced what do you call that system of government - with the roaming judges ruling everything that happens but an over ruling constitution in place?


What kinds of government does Japan have?

Constitutional monarchyA Constitutional Monarchy.yes yesConstitutional monarchy

What created the the first form of government?

The earliest forms of government emerged in ancient Greece alongside the birth of democracy around 460 BCE. The first constitution was The Constitution of the Athenians, and it considered the interests of all citizens including the minority. Later, the Romans overthrew the corrupt monarchy, and copied the Greek form of government.

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How can you use the word government in a sentence?

The government is... (Corrupt, good at their job,etc.)I (Love, hate, dislike, etc...) this government.This government is...(Corrupt, good at their job,etc.)Are the government...(And so on)

What are the essential parts of a written constitution?

the constitution needs money are the people and corrupt the governments at the all time. .

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Corrupt government is the main reason. Islamo-Arab imperialism is the driving ideology behind such corrupt government.

Why did Spain eventually abolish Philippine representation in the Spanish Cortes?

It's because they dont want the Filipinos to complain about their corrupt colonial officials.

What factors contributed to the communist victory in the Chinese Civil War?

Answer this question… Communist propaganda convinced many Chinese that the government was a corrupt dictatorship.