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Q: Does the constitution describe the duties of the supreme court how have these duties develop?
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The duties of the supreme court are written in the constitution?


Where does the President derive these powers from?

The president gets his authority from the US Constitution as interpreted by the Supreme Court. Conducting foreign policy is one of his duties, to be shared with the US Senate.

What are the purposes of a constitution?

It sets out ideals that the people bound by the constitution believe in and share. It stablishes the basic structure of government and defines the goverment's powers and duties. It provides the supreme law for the country.

What is the source of fundamental duties in Indian constitution?

fundemental duties are derived from Russian constitution

How have the duties of the supreme court been derived?

The Congress defines the duties of the Supreme Court.

Does the constitution describe the duties and powers of the president?

Yes, he/she must take over Pres. if the President is unable, and he/she must serve as President of the senate.

What are the duties of the Supreme Court?

judges if laws and acts of the legislative and executive branches are constitutional

What were the duties of the supreme Inca?

The supreme inca duties are: to marry the sisters, take care of the people of the Inca and control the human sacrafices.

Who must approve the powers and duties of the president?

The powers and duties are defined in the Constitution. Ultimately the Supreme Court would decide if any assumed power or duty was in violation of what the Constitution actually says or means. However, there is no "must" about it. Many powers of the Presidency are no where wrote in the Constitution, it has just been assumed by various Presidents that they exist, and no sufficient challenge has been made.

Key people or organizations in the selections of judges include?

if you are talking about judges for the supreme court then under Article II of the US constitution it states the powers and duties of the president. one of those powers is to appoint judges to the supreme court

Who assigned congresses duties?

The duties of congress were assigned by the Constitution. Article I one of the Constitution describes the specific powers of congress.

What other duties to the president have in Section 3 of the constitution?

one is to make or follow through with laws. also to appoint supreme and federal judges (approved by senate) and the third one i forgot.