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Q: Does the constitution put the military under civilian control?
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Why is the president the commander-in-chief?

This power is granted by the US Constitution. The writers wanted all military forces to be under the civilian control of the elected President.

Why there is crisis of power in Pakistan?

because the military is not properly under the control of a constitution and he who has control of the military can influence the balance of power.

What is the constitutional basis of the supremacy of civilian authority?

The supremacy of civilian authority is what separate democratic governance apart from juntas and military administrations. Under this concept the military is placed under civilian and or political party control.

Why are the police and the armed forces personnel not considered to be part of the civil service?

Whle members of the military are NOT members of the civil service, the police ARE members of the civil service (i.e.: CIVILian Service) .The police are under the control of their local civilian government (the Executive Branch) while the military is under the control of the Department of Defense which answers to the Congress and the President.

Is the president subject to military code of justice?

The president is not a member of the military. It might seem strange to hear that since he is Commander In Chief. This is a very important point. The US military is ultimately under civilian control. Think about how important that is. What could happen if military authority in the US were independent of civilian authority.

Is Spain under civilian or military rule?

They have both civilian adn military rule for the past years. Last time i knew they just have now "Military Rule."

What are the positives of the submarine?

Civilian-Under water research. Military-Stealth

Why is it civilian authority supreme over military?

In our system of checks and balances we keep control over the military by having civilians overseeing the military to keep them from being too powerful and overthrowing the government, civilians approve the budget for each service and a civilian is the head of each branch of the service.

What are the positive effects of submarines?

Civilian-Under water research. Military-Stealth

What is the consequence for going AWOL from a war?

The consequences can be very severe, and you will not be tried in a civilian court under civilian rules. You will be tried by military court and may be incarcerated in military prison.

What does it mean to have the military under civilian control?

It means that the senior military officers take their orders from the civilian government, specifically from the President of the United States. All military officers must be "commissioned" by the Congress, and the President selects the senior officers who advise him. The President and the Congress have the authority to promote, demote, or fire any officer for any reason.

Who makes the rules for the military under the Constitution?
