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Q: Does the crab lay eggs or have birth?
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Does the female crab lay the eggs or does the male lay eggs?

The female crab lays the eggs, and not the male.

Does a hermit crab lay eggs?

yes they lay their eggs in water

How many eggs do a crab lay?

they lay 1

How does a crab lay eggs?

Hermit Crabs lay their eggs by going to where seawater is only.

About how many eggs does a female crab lay?

About how many eggs does a female crab produce

When a hermit crab is about to lay eggs can you use hermit crab bathing salt water?

It shouldn't be about to lay eggs. (I am assuming you have hermit crabs in a aquarium.) It has been proven that they need an ocean to lay eggs and therefore cannot lay eggs in captivity. Even in zoos they can't lay eggs.

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They lay eggs.

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They lay eggs.

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they lay eggs

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They lay eggs.

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Lay eggs

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They lay eggs :)