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Q: Does the custodial parent have a legal obligation to inform the non custodial parent in child's death?
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Does custodial parent have to inform non-custodial parent of extra-curricular activities?

yes, as the custodial usually schedules them to interfere with the other parents's access rights.

If your 15-year-old daughter is pregnant does the custodial parent have to inform you?


Does a non custodial parent have to pay if the custodial parent gets married NM?

The CP's marriage should not affect the NCP's child support obligation.

How do you end child support in North Carolina if the custodial parent becomes the noncustodial?

The obligation should not end, but rather transferred to the now nun-custodial parent.

Does a non-custodial parent have to inform the custodial parent about their change of address?

they only have to inform the custodial parent of the change of address if they still wish to contact the childAnswerIf they want to stay in contact with that person or the child or if you are having to pay a certain amount for the child then yes of course otherwise it is up to your own discretion

When a custodial parent dies is child support from a non custodial parent still due?

Of course. Unless the non-custodial parent takes sole custody, the non-custodial parent is still responsible for paying child support to whomever the child goes to. There is no reason the death of a parent should terminate the other parent's child support obligation.

Can you get child support from the spouse of a non custodial parent?

No. Other people have no obligation to pay for a child that is not theirs.

Does child support change if the child is employeed?

No. Child support is an obligation of a parent. The child is not obligated to contribute to their own support. An industrious child who works part time is not then burdened by her/his non-custodial parents child support obligation.No. Child support is an obligation of a parent. The child is not obligated to contribute to their own support. An industrious child who works part time is not then burdened by her/his non-custodial parents child support obligation.No. Child support is an obligation of a parent. The child is not obligated to contribute to their own support. An industrious child who works part time is not then burdened by her/his non-custodial parents child support obligation.No. Child support is an obligation of a parent. The child is not obligated to contribute to their own support. An industrious child who works part time is not then burdened by her/his non-custodial parents child support obligation.

Which court has jurisdiction if the custodial parent moved the child to Florida but all court orders are in Tennessee?

Well if it's the opposing parent, i.e. the other parent who has visitation, then the custodial parent has to inform the court before they moved and visit that with the court, and if they didn't then the visitation parent should have issues with the court of the original jurisdiction.

Does the custodial parent have to provide insurance for a child?

No. That type of issue is addressed by court orders not by their status as custodial/non-custodial parent. Generally, the parent who is better able to obtain insurance must insure the child and they are given a credit toward their child support obligation.

If a 16 year old moves out of the custodial parent's home is there a child support obligation?

That's dependent on state law. see link

Is custodial parent liable for for child who won't listen to custodial parent and runs to noncustodial parent?

for what?