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not realy i dont under stand why

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Q: Does the distance from a fire hydrant affect the insurance premium?
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If I get a traffic violations does it affect someones insurance?

It can affect: 1. Your insurance premium (for your own vehicle, or your parents vehicle if you are on their policy. 2. Your employers insurance premium (if you drive for work) It will NOT affect: 1. Your friend's premium, unless you are scheduled as a driver on the policy

How will disobeying a traffic signal affect insurance rates in Illinois?

It will make your insurance premium go up..

If you put a new roof on your home does your insurance premium go down?

No. Doesn't affect it at all.

If you are driving a friend's car and have a minor collision does this affect his insurance premium since you are not included in the insurance plan?

Yes. If a claim is made and found valid, his insurance rates will probably increase. It depends on the past history of the insured of how much the premium will rise.

If you was on your dads insurance as a named driver does in affect their premium if you have an accident?

Yes, the general idea of insurance is that your rates go up when you cause an accident and they are forced to pay out.

How will a ticket for running a red light affect your insurance premium in California?

same question for Florida. Guys, no one has a hint?

Does cell phone use while driving in NY affect insurance premium?

it is against the law, so if you are caught you will be fined and the consequenses that follow.

If I smoke cigarettes will it affect my term insurance premium?

Of course it does... It increases your premium value. If a non smoker pays a $100 premium you would have to pay a $102 or $105 as premium... Typically life insurance policies will consider factors such as smoking as a health hazard. If you are a smoker, this will generally result in higher rates of insurance. However, since life insurance is a competitive business, there are companies that will look more favorably on smokers than the typical life insurance companies. You would do well to look for online insurance quote providers. They will be able to help you locate such companies easily so that even as a smoker, you can get the best policy at the most affordable price.

How much is life ensurence?

That depends on a lot of factors, especially things that affect your expected life span. Your age, gender, health and lifestyle will all affect your premium. There is also a big difference between the cost for term insurance and whole life insurance.

If you bumped into a friend's car and there was no damage but the police wrote you a ticket for careless driving what will happen with your insurance?

Depends on the kind of insurance you have. There are two types of insurance - mutual and standard. Mutual is a kind where your premium changes based on your claims. Tickets and other minor violations doesnt affect it much. On the other hand if you have a standard insurance, the premium might change for every violation reported as well as any claims.

How can having diabetes affect life insurance premiums?

If you have a health condition it can raise your premium on your life insurance or make it dificult to aquire any new services. your best bet is to talk to a doctor and see what they say.

If you hit an animal and need an insurance claim to fix your auto does your insurance premium go up?

Depends on the insurance company, but most likely not. Because animals are unpredictable in their actions, animal hits are considered as a non-at-fault loss and usually will not affect your rates.