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Q: Does the divorce decree have your maiden name on it also?
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How do you get your maiden name back after a divorce if you didn't do it on your divorce decree?

how do you get your maiden name back after a divorce if you didn't get it on your divorce decree

How do you use your maiden name after a divorce?

Your maiden name becomes your last name.

Do you have to used an attorney and or go back to court in order to change back to your maiden name after a divorce if you didn't state it in your divorce decree?

No, you can legally change your name by filling out the papers at your courthouse. You may have to have a judge declare it legal, but you do not have to have an attorney to help you do this.

Can I go back to my maiden name if I am still in the process of getting a divorce?

You can change your name back to your maiden name legally as a part of the divorce decree. If you would like to change your name back while the divorce is pending, you must go through a legal name change procedure.

In Canada how do you change back to your maiden name after a divorce?

The only requirement to have your maiden name restored is to contact the necessary government agencies (Social Security, DMV, voter registration, etc.) fill out a simple form and present the divorce decree and personal identifying documents (driver's license/state ID).

Got married took husbands last name found out our marriage was not legal because of his divorce was not final how do i go about going back to my maiden name without a divorce decree?

If your marriage was not legal because your husband was still married (in which care your husband committed the crime of bigamy), then you can simply go back to using your maiden name (you can't get divorced as you were never legally married).

How long do you have to keep a final divorce decree?

It is important to keep a final divorce decree in a safe place. A person might need the final divorce decree in the future to make certain modifications or to change their last name.

Can a person be liable for debt incurred during marriage but assigned to ex spouse in divorce decree?

You should be aware that a creditor is not generally bound by your divorce decree if the debt was incurred in your name. You should contact the attorney who represented you at the divorce if the creditor is pursuing you for payment.You should be aware that a creditor is not generally bound by your divorce decree if the debt was incurred in your name. You should contact the attorney who represented you at the divorce if the creditor is pursuing you for payment.You should be aware that a creditor is not generally bound by your divorce decree if the debt was incurred in your name. You should contact the attorney who represented you at the divorce if the creditor is pursuing you for payment.You should be aware that a creditor is not generally bound by your divorce decree if the debt was incurred in your name. You should contact the attorney who represented you at the divorce if the creditor is pursuing you for payment.

What is the recommended name change after divorce I have minor children but wish to return to my maiden name yet retain recognition as their mother.?

I would change into the maiden name or take the hypen with your maiden name and your married name.

can a married name be changed back to maiden name where should it be started?

If your Divorce Documents state that you can return to your Maiden name then it shouldn't cost anything - Renewing your Driver's Licence with your new last name (Maiden) will.

What about forged or copied signature on a divorce?

What if someone forged or copied your signature to a divorce decree authorizing Or requesting a name change

Do you change you name after marriage is void?

If you wish to resume your former name you should request the right to do so at the time of the divorce. That can be incorporated into the divorce decree.