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Yes, in a nest of grass and straw in fur she has pulled from her own body.

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Q: Does the doe hide her babies in the nest?
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What if your rabbit is to have babies in 1 day is it normal for her to just sit in the corner in her nest?

Your doe is more than likely NOT going to have babies. Is she using her nest box for a potty?? That is a sure sign she is not pregnant, either that or you put her nest box in her potty corner and her cage is too small for her to establish another potty area. Usually after a doe makes her nest she does not set in it until the babies are born. Did you put the nest in too early??? That is another reason she might set in it. A nest box should not be put in with your doe until 3 days before she is due.

Can you put newborn rabbits back with its mother after 36 hours apart?

MAYBE. It depends on whether you have played with the babies or not. Keep your scent off of the babies and you stand a good chance of the doe not rejecting them. In Alaska we pull the nest boxes after the does have fed their babies and take them into the house out of the freezing cold. We put the nest box back with the doe for her to nurse again in 12 hours. You don't say why the babies are not with the doe.

What will your hamster do if shes pregnant?

She will start building a nest for the babies so she can keep them hidden and warm and she will hide food in the nest so she won`t have to leave her babies they are really good mommies

Will a pregnant rabbit kill her babies if there are other rabbits in near by in other cages?

No, She will not kill her babies, but you have to make sure that the other rabbits do not trample on her nest. The does are usually jealous of another doe having babies. Be very carefull that the nest is protected that only the mother has the access to it.

Will a doe rabbit build her nest if she not pregrent?

If a doe has a false pregnancy she will build a nest.

Should you separate a buck and a doe when she is pregnant?

Once the doe and buck have mated you should separate them. ESPECIALLY when the babies are born. The buck can trample the babies when there still hairless or when they're older the buck will try to mate with the does of the litter.

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Can a pregnant rabbit live with a non pregnant rabbit?

Its not a good idea Every rabbit should have it's own cage and a pregnant doe not only needs her own cage and nest box but peace and quiet. Having a non pregnant doe in with her would cause too much confusion. The non pregnant doe could jump in and out of the nest box stomping the babies or cause the doe to stomp her own babies by jumping in and out of the box herself while trying to protect them from the other doe. Does will fight, pulling fur, slitting each others ears and scratching eyes.

When will your rabbit feed its bunnies first?

The doe will feed her babies at least once a day maybe even twice. It will be real early in the morning while your asleep. During the day the doe won't even touch the nest which is ok. If the babies look bigger each day then you know she's feeding them.

You mated your 2 rabbits and she 19 days later is building a nest is she pregnant?

That is a very big sign that you doe (female ) is pregnant she Will probably have her babies in the next week

How do you know a hamster fertilized?

She will start making a really big nest and hide food there,also she will not want the male in the cage because he will eat the babies.

How do you breed Holland lop-eared bunnies and or raise the babies?

You put the doe into the buck's cage. Do not put the buck in the doe's cage because the does can be territorial. The doe will have babies about 30 days after she is bred if she is pregnant. You can palpate her to check to see if she is pregnant. Several days before she has her babies she will start nesting, she will pull out hair to make the nest for her babies. Give her a nestbox that she can fit into, if it is too small for her she will probably not have her babies in it. She may decide to have her babies next to it. In her nestbox, or outside her nest box for her to put in, give her things such as hay/straw, newspaper/shredded paper, sawdust/carefresh bedding. Make sure the cage does not have any areas where a baby could get caught. Near the doe's due date keep checking on her to see if she had her babies. Sometimes babies can get caught in the wire of cages if they're in a wire bottom cage. Sometimes does do not have their babies in their nestbox. If the babies get cold (which will most likely happen if they are not in the nest) they will die. Make sure it is warm. Does should not have their babies outside when it is cold because the babies will freeze (or if its too hot out). Babies should not be sold/given away til they are atleast 8 weeks old. You can wean them from their mother a week or two before this. They should be eating pellets and drinking water by then anyway. Do not feed the treats (fruits/vegetables).