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No, they do not have the same mass. The moon has much less mass than Earth.

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Q: Does the earth and the moon have the same amount of mass?
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How will weight and mass be affected while on the moon and on earth?

The mass will be the same on the moon, as well as on earth. But more weight will be gained on earth than moon because there is more gravitational force on earth than on moon. Mass stays the same because the amount of matter in the object will not change simply by going to the moon.

How does the size and mass of the moon different from earth?

The mass on the moon and the earth is the same but the weight changes.

Why does an astronaut still have the same mass on the moon?

Your mass is the amount of matter that contains, it is your weight that will differ due to gravity. The astronaut still has the same amount of matter whether he be on earth, in space, or on the moon, though due to the different strenghts of gravity he will weight the most on earth, 1/6th of this on the moon, and be weightless in outer space.

What is the mass of a hammer on the moon?

The mass of a hammer on the Moon is the same as the mass of that same hammer on Earth - or in space, or anywhere else.

Why does mass not change when placed on the moon?

Answer 1: Your mass stays the same all the time because mass is the amount of atoms your made up of. Mass stays the same no matter where you are. The only reason your weight changes is because the gravitational pull on the moon is not a much as it is on Earth. Mass is how much is in you body not on the amount on you weigh

Why is your mass the same on Earth and the moon?

Your mass is the amount of stuff that makes up your body. Since you do not leave part of yourself behind or add anything to your body, your mass stays the same.

What is the diffrerence between mass and weight?

Mass is constant. You have the same amount of mass wherever you are in the Universe. Weight is the affect of gravity acting on your mass. So you weigh 1/6th as much on the Moon because there is less gravity there but you have the same amount of mass as you do on Earth.

Why on the moon would you weigh less than on earth?

the pull of gravity is not as effective on the moon because the moon is lighter therefore you end up weighing less. However, you still have the same mass, which is the amount of matter inside you, but on the moon that mass just isn't being pulled down as har as on earth. the pull of gravity is not as effective on the moon because the moon is lighter therefore you end up weighing less. However, you still have the same mass, which is the amount of matter inside you, but on the moon that mass just isn't being pulled down as har as on earth. the pull of gravity is not as effective on the moon because the moon is lighter therefore you end up weighing less. However, you still have the same mass, which is the amount of matter inside you, but on the moon that mass just isn't being pulled down as har as on earth. *** Whoa...dejavu. The moon is smaller therefore has less gravity making you lighter if you were on the moon.

You would weigh less on the moon than on the earth?

the pull of gravity is not as effective on the moon because the moon is lighter therefore you end up weighing less. However, you still have the same mass, which is the amount of matter inside you, but on the moon that mass just isn't being pulled down as har as on earth. the pull of gravity is not as effective on the moon because the moon is lighter therefore you end up weighing less. However, you still have the same mass, which is the amount of matter inside you, but on the moon that mass just isn't being pulled down as har as on earth. the pull of gravity is not as effective on the moon because the moon is lighter therefore you end up weighing less. However, you still have the same mass, which is the amount of matter inside you, but on the moon that mass just isn't being pulled down as har as on earth. *** Whoa...dejavu. The moon is smaller therefore has less gravity making you lighter if you were on the moon.

What is the mass of a 4 kg stone on the moon?

This is a trick question. Objects weigh less on the moon than they do on the Earth, however, objects have exactly the same amount of mass on the moon as they do on the Earth. So the 4 kg stone still has 4 kg of mass on the moon. But it only weighs about 2/3 of a kg on the moon.

Why does everything has the same mass on earth and the moon but everything weighs more on earth that it does on the moon?

Mass doesn't depend on gravity whereas weight does. And moon has gravity less than earth so a body weighs less on moon as compared to its weight on earth. But mass remains same.

Does the earth and the moon have about the same mass?

The moon has much less mass than the Earth.No, the earth and the moon do not have the same mass. While both are very large, the moon is only 1/81st the weight of earth, with a weight of 7.34 x 10^22 kilograms.