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The earth moves faster than the moon.

Answer 2

Since they both take the same time to get round the Sun (1 year) they must both move at the same average speed. However, the Moon is also moving round the Earth. Unless its plane of rotation is at exactly 90 degrees to the path of the Earth around the Sun (which it isn't), there will be times when it's going around the Sun slightly faster than Earth and times when it's going slightly slower.

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If the earth spins faster would the moon go faster around the earth?

No. The speed of the moon's orbit does not depend on Earth's spin; it depends on Earth's mass. However, a faster spin on Earth's part would make the moon appear to move across the sky faster, as it would for the sun and stars.

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As viewed from the Moon, the Earth doesn't move much; it "wobbles" a little in the sky. The Moon is tidally locked to the Earth, with the same side of the Moon pointing at the Earth. The "wobble" is due to the Moon's elliptical orbit around the Earth; the Moon is moving faster in its orbit at perigee than at apogee, and the appearance is that the Earth moves a little back and forth in the lunar skies.

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Probably faster: The Moon has been slowing down Earth's rotation for quite a while.

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on the moon, the gravity is about sixth of the earth so you can jump alot higher so you can most likely run faster on the moon that you can on earth. The real problem is the friction.

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Facts about why that the earth takes 28 days to move round the moon?

If you're on the sun, the earth, or any other planet in the solar system, and you're watching the moon, the moon appears to move around the earth every 27.3 days. If you're on the moon and watching the earth, the earth doesn't appear to move at all. There's no vantage point from which the earth appears to move around the moon.

What does a moon do?

The earth's moon helps move the oceans tides.

When does the Moon travel more faster around the earth?

The Moon's orbital speed is greatest when it is at its closest approach to the Earth.