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Q: Does the earth orbits the sun in 356 days?
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Does the earths orbits once every 145 days?

No. The Earth orbits the Sun once in 365.24 days

How long for Moon to orbit Sun?

The Moon actually orbits the Earth, which it does in 28 days, but if you consider the Earth and the Moon as a double system, then the Moon orbits the Sun once a year, just as the Earth does. The Moon is much closer to the Earth than the Earth and the Moon are to the Sun.

Do we have days and nights because the sun orbits the earth?

No. (But if you like that idea, go read Terry Pratchett.)

How many orbits around the sun will Mercury make in 1060 days?

Mercury orbits the Sun in about 88 Earth days. So, in 1060 days......You do the math.

How does the moon take to orbit the sun?

The moon does not orbit the sun independently; it orbits the earth. So the moon orbits the sun in about 365 and a quarter days, just like earth.

Does it take 365 days for the sun to make a trip around the earth?

it take 356 days or a year

How many days long is the sun's orbit around earth?

wrong way round, the earth orbits the sun every 365 days

What does orbit have?

Venus orbits the Sun every 224.7 Earth days.

How long it takes for the moon to revolve around the sun?

The moon does not orbit the sun independently; it orbits the earth. So the moon orbits the sun in about 365 and a quarter days, just like earth.

How many days does Pluto have?

Pluto orbits the Sun in 14,164.4 Pluto days (90,613.305 Earth days, or 248.03 Earth years).

Does Mercury orbits the sun more quickly or slower than earth?

Mercury, named after the Roman god that had wings on his feet, orbits the sun much faster than Earth. Mercury takes 88 days and Earth takes 365.25 days.

Does the earth orbit the planet?

No. Earth is a planet. It orbits the sun, which is a star.