

Best Answer

If you're moving toward a relatively large mass ... large enough so that

gravitational forces between you and any other mass are insignificant by

comparison ... then the forces of gravity increase your speed toward it.

If you're moving away from a relatively large mass ... large enough so that

gravitational forces between you and any other mass are insignificant by

comparison ... then the forces of gravity decrease your speed away from it.

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Q: Does the effect of gravity decrease your speed?
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How does speed and acceleration effect gravity?

Speed or acceleration have no effect on gravity.

What effects the speed of a object?

Speed is relative to the speed of light and gravity. So gravity could effect speed.

Why does escape speed decrease with altitude?

I think it's because of gravity.

What is the speed of light in zero gravity?

Gravity does not effect speed of light ,so velocity is constant. Even if it effect the effect is negligible. So in short answer is 3*108ms-1 -Thunder

What causes skateboard speed to increase or decrease?

Gravity, friction, or wind drag.

Why does gravity affect speed?

Because the effect of gravity is to cause forces between every two objects that have mass, and force on an object generally affects its speed.

Why does the speed of a ball thrown against gravity decrease?

Because gravity exerts a constant force on it in the opposite direction. Just as you do to stop a shopping cart that's rolling away.

How does gravity affect speed?

It is gravity that creates the force that causes an object to fall. We know that gravity is a function of mass, and the mass of the objects being considered will have an effect on how fast they fall. Additionally, the shape of the object will have something to do with how fast it falls. A flat piece of cardboard will not fall as fast as a glass ball of the same mass.

Does gravity decrease when driving uphill?

Technically as you go up the hill Gravity will decrease.But the amount is too small to measure by anymethod currently available.So in effect and for practical purposes, NO

What causes the speed of a sled to increase or decrease when going down a hill?

Either the friction or density of the snow.

What is the effect of a constant force on speed?

A force, applied to an object, will cause an acceleration, that is, a change in velocity. This may be an increase or a decrease in speed, or a change of direction.

Why does a force of gravity has no effect on horizontal component of velocity?

The force of gravity points towards the center of the earth ... the direction we call "down". The force has no horizontal component, so it can't have any effect on horizontal speed.