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Q: Does the egg destroy the sperm's mitochondria?
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Related questions

What is the mitochondria in the sperm used for?

Mitochondria are located in the tail of the sperm. They provide the sperm with that whip like energy to move. They can give the energy to the sperm because mitochondria are the "powerhouse" of the cell.

Why are eggs larger than sperms?

if sperms were larger than eggs, al the sperms will squash the egg and there will be no baby!!!

Why can sperms move the answer is short?

They have to get to the egg.

Why sperm cells contain large numbers of mitochondria?

It requires a lot of energy for a sperm cell to travel through to meet with the ovum. For this reason, the sperm cells doesn't contain any organelles except for a few mitochondria. The rest of the organelles are inherited from the ovum.

What is the motility of a egg cell?

Most eggs are non motile. Sperms reach the eggs.

Why do boys have sperms?

They have sperms to make babies. When a guys sperm is mixed with a girls a egg a baby is made

Which part of the female part produces sperms?

A female plant part does not produce sperms. It produces egg. The sperms are produced by the part of a male plant.

How many egg and sperms does a salmon produce?


Can a human unfertilized egg be stored like sperms?


What is the sperms job?

a sperm call job is to find an egg to fertilise

How many sperms survive to the egg?

Between 100 to 500 sperm only reach the egg to be fertilized

How many days do the sperms have to get to the egg?

Sperm have about three days to make it to the egg for fertilization before the egg passes out of the uterus and dies.