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Usually neither: That is equivalent to saying that inert elements usually do not undergo chemical reactions at all. The most inert of all elements, the noble gases, when they do react bond primarily to fluorine, which is the most elctronegative of all elements; ther4efore, the inert gases much lose or at least share electrons in such compounds.

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11y ago

Boron always bonds covalently. It does not form positive ions or negative monoatomic ions.

Note there are some examples of compounds which are approximately ionic that contain ions with more than one B atom where the B atoms are covalently bonded together.

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18h ago

Boron tends to lose three electrons to achieve a stable electron configuration. This results in a +3 oxidation state for boron.

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13y ago

Helium has a stable electronic configuration and hence is a noble gas .

It neither gains electrons nor loses them because it is already stable.

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Q: Does the element boron loose or gain electrons?
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Do Boron gain or lose electrons?

Boron typically loses electrons to achieve a stable electron configuration. It is most commonly found in compounds where it forms three covalent bonds by losing three electrons to achieve a full outer shell configuration.

What is the number of electrons an atom would gain or loose when forming ionic bonds?

The number of electrons is specific for each element.

Does fluorine gain or loose electrons?

Fluorine gains electrons to achieve a stable electron configuration. It has seven valence electrons and tends to gain one more electron to complete its outer shell and attain a full octet.

The common ion charge of some elements in the periodic table is zero what does that tell you about the element?

That it does not gain or loose electrons.

Why are group 8A elements not represented by ionic radius?

Group 8A elements, also known as the noble gases, do not form ions because they have a stable electron configuration with a full outer shell of electrons. This means they do not gain or lose electrons to achieve a stable configuration, so the concept of ionic radius is not applicable to them.

When metals react with other elements the atoms of the metals loose or gain electrons?

They will loose electrons.

What type of elements gain and loose electrons as they form bonds?

Metals lose electrons, nonmetals gain electrons.

Which type of element seeks to gain electrons?

Non-metals gain electrons.

How could each what atoms react to achieve a noble gas configuration?

if the atom is an element from groups 1, 2, or 13, the atom has to give up electrons to make it have 8. For example, if you have Boron in group 13, it has 3 valence electrons, making it more likely to give up electrons than gain them. If you take 3 electrons from Boron, you get Helium. Helium is the noble-gas for Boron. B(+3) has a noble-gas configuration of He. if the atom is an element from groups 15, 16, or 17, the atom has to gain electrons to make it have 8. For example, if you have Oxygen with 6 valence electrons, it is more likely to gain electrons than lose them. If 2 electrons are added to Oxygen the noble-gas configuration becomes Neon. O(-2) has a noble-gas configuration of Ne. if the atom is an element in group 14, it can either gain or lose electrons. so the noble gas configuration could be the 4 electrons less or 4 electrons more than it. For example, if you add 4 electrons to Carbon you get Neon but if you take away 4 electrons you get Helium.

Do anions loose or gain electron?

No, anions do not gain electrons. It is the molecule or atom's ion that gains an electron to make itself a more negative anion.

When nitrogen forms an ion how many electrons does it gain or lose?

Nitrogen is a unique element. It can loose one, two, three, four, or even five electrons. It can also gain one, two, or three electrons. These are not the only possibilities, however they are the most common.

How nay electrons does nitrogen gain or loose in atomic bonding?

It gains three, loses five, or shares pairs of electrons