

Does the elimination diet actually work?

Updated: 9/16/2019
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9y ago

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The elimination diet does work when you want to lose weight in a hurry, but it basically only flushes out your system. Also make sure you drink plenty of water to stay hydrated.

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Q: Does the elimination diet actually work?
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The inflammation diet actually does work. It is the brainchild of Dr. Weil who created the diet based on science. The great thing about this diet is the quick weight loss that occurs after following the diet.

Does the makers diet actually work?

I know people who have tried this type of diet, and they have said that it was not effective at all. So my answer would be that, no, this diet does not work.

Where can I find out more about elimination diets?

You can find out more information about elimination diets. You can get information of elimination diets at and

Can an elimination diet cause side effects?

The most significant side effects of an elimination diet are nutritional disorders resulting from a prolonged, highly restrictive diet, and the risk of a serious reaction as suspect foods are re-introduced to the diet.

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It works for some and then it doesnt work for some other people. It really just depends on how your body adapts to the diet. No diet is a garantee to work.

Should tomatoes be avoided in an elimination diet?

If you mean a food elimination diet to detect food allergy or intolerance, yes tomatoes should initially be excluded from your diet. If are unsure how to carry out an elimination diet (and then later a rotation diet) you could borrow a book or two from your local library if you are unable to buy them. There are many good ones. You could start with one of Dr Keith Scott-Mumby's books. Alternatively, make sure that whatever book you choose covers elimination diet, rotation diet and masked/hidden/addictive food allergy/intolerance.

Does the models diet actually work?

The models diet is in fact a diet that can and will work if you follow all the guidelines. It is just like any other diet in which you must watch what you eat as well as exercising.

Does the eat your way to happiness diet actually work?

I have heard that the eat your way to happiness diet, does not actually work. I know friends and family that have tried this specific diet, and they say that this diet is not effective at all. I would suggest eating fruits and veggies, along with regular exercise.

How does detox diet actually work?

A detox diet is a diet that cleanses out your system. They are actually kind of dangerous if you use the wrong one. I know that you basically eat liquids for a few days.

How does the elimination diet work for diagnosis?

The person stops eating the foods suspected of causing the allergic reaction. That food is eliminated from the diet for from two to four weeks. If allergy symptoms improve, the food is probably an allergen.

Does the macrobiotic diet actually work?

Each diet affects each person differently and this includes the macrobiotic diet. The best way to make sure it will work is to find information on it at