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Q: Does the endocrine system help fight bacteria and viruses?
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What system gets rid of bacteria and viruses?

The organs of the immune system fight viruses and bacteria.

What is the system that helps fight bacteria and viruses called?

AnswerLymphatic System. I sure hope it is because if its not am going to get an F on my homework!! :(

What system includes specialized cells that help fight bacteria and viruses?

The immune system has special cells that help the body to fight off any invaders.

Why do antibodies work to kill bacteria but not viruses?

bacteria is complit cell or contain cellular material hence specific antibody riquar as compair to virus is difrance

What does the body make to fight viruses?

Body has got immune system. This immune system or the body immunity forms the antibodies to fight the viruses. The immunity against the viruses is usually life long.

What eats viruses?

Not sure if any bacteria/protists eat viruses, but our white blood cells definitely do. How do you think you fight a cold?

What do the bacteria have to fight to get into the body?

your immune system

Which part of blood is responsible for fighting infections?

White blood cells (WBC) of a type called macrophages are attracted to the site of infection and surround the bacteria, digesting and killing them by using hydrogen peroxide created within the WBC.

Do all living organisms need the endocrine system to survive?

yes they do. this is how they are able to respond o stimuli such a flight, fright or to fight

What are antibiotics viruses or Monera?

Antibiotics are products made to fight bacteria. The word means anti- (against) -bio (life). Since viruses are not alive, antibiotics cannot harm them.

Why is it easier to make drugs that fight bacteria than viruses?

Viruses are constantly mutating which is why flu shots not always successful as they must predict which way the virus is going to evolve.

What are the functions of lysozymes in the immune system?

The function of lysozymes in the immune system is to fight bacteria.