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Yes, the warmer the air temperature of the environment the quicker the ice cube melts. Also, ice in a warm fluid environment will melt quicker than ice at the equivalent air temperature.

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Q: Does the eviorment effect how an ice cube melt?
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Does the shape of an ice cube effect how long it takes the ice cube to melt?

Yes, ice melts from the outside which means the wider surface area, the faster it will melt!

When ice cube in the poles of earth melt does it effect the rotation of earth?


What happens if you melt an ice cube?

it will become water If you melt an ice cube it will melt

Will an ice cube melt in oil?

If the oil is warmer than the ice cube then the ice will melt.

Does an ice cube melt faster on soil?

No, an ice cube doesn't melt faster in soil.

What melt first of a ice cube salt and ice cube with salt?

an ice cube with salt

Which would melt faster an ice cube of water or an ice cube of Coca-Cola?

a ice cube in alcohol would melt fastest because of the heating molecules contracting with the ice cube molecules

How long does it take to melt ice cube with ice melt?

that depends on the size of the ice cube, how much salt, and the ambient temperature.

Does an ice cube melt faster than an ice cube with salt?

Yes it does, in northern states when it snows they use ice to melt the streets.

How does an ice cube melt in water?

The water raises the temperature of the ice cube

How long does an ice cube take to melt?

It depends on the size the temperature difference between the cube and surroundings

Will flour water or salt water melt an ice cube faster?

Salt water will melt an ice cube faster.