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They will think "why my father is always so tied?"

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Both such twins obtain the half of genome which belongs to their father.

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Q: Does the father determine identical twins?
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How do you determine who is the father if identical twins have same dna?

Identical twins will have the same father, so a paternity test is done just like for any kid. With fraternal twins, it is possible, but very, very rare, to have different fathers for the babies.

How do you know if two twins are identical or just fraternal twins that look a lot alike?

(Person that asked the question)-Once twins are born, and old enough to determine whether they are identical or fraternal, how do you know if they are identical, or just fraternal twins that look identical? I was just curious.

If Semi identical twins take paternity test what would the results be?

There is no such thing as "semi-identical" twins. If fraternal twins each take a paternity test, only the real father would show up as the father.

Do identical twins always have the same father?

fraternal twins can have separate fathers.

Is there any way to tell which of a set of identical twins is the father of a child?

Not really.

What can be done after the alleged father of a child paying support finds out his identical twin could be the father?

My guess, based on my own research into identical twins and paternity identification: sod-all. As identical twins have identical DNA, there is no way of proving who the father is. Even if the other twin says he could be the father, I think it would still wind up going through the courts - and there is still no way of proving who is the real father.

What are two horses with identical genes called?

Identical twins. Although horses sometimes have twins I'm not sure if they have identical twins.

Why identical twins are similar?

If they were not then they would not be called identical twins!

Why can fraternal twins be different genders but identical twins are are the same gender?

Identical Twins are the result of a single fertilized egg spliting in two producing two genetically identical children. Fraternal twins are the result of the mother producing two eggs each fertilized by a different sperm from the father. This can result in opposite sex twins.

Why are identical twins identical and fraternal twins are not?

Identical twins are formed from a single egg that splits into two. Fraternal twins are formed from two separate eggs that are both separately fertilized. So identical twins have identical DNA, and fraternal twins do not.

What is the probability of having twins if your dad is a twin?

I'm not sure on the actual percentages. It firstly depends on if your father is an identical or non-identical twin. (Maternal or fraternal) Non-identical (fraternal) twins are the hereditary type, not the identical ones. Identical twins are simply a hiccup with the cell division during fetal growth, whereas non-identical twins are due to the hereditary tendency of the woman releasing more than one egg at a time. The gene for non-identical twins is directly passed from fathers to daughters, and the chance of having twins usually skips a generation too (like baldness in men!). So, if your father is a twin (a non-identical twin) and you are his daughter, it's possible that you may also have twins, but it's far more likely that your daughter will. My father is a twin (his brother died at birth and it's not known if he was maternal or fraternal unfortunately) and I only have 1 child (a daughter). She has a very high chance of having twins if dad was fraternal.

How are twins identical?

Twins are identical because they come from the same egg.