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yes, it the judge orders it.. foster care does not exempt you.

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Yes, if the father is deemed fit and paternity established, he should be able to get custody of the child.

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Q: Does the father have to pay child support when the child is in foster care?
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Can foster care reimbursement be garnished?

No, that is not an income or salary. That is like child support for the foster child and should cover the expenses for that child.

Does the father have to pay child support or child care for an autistic child if the father is on SSI?

No. SSI recipients are not liable for child support.

Foster care income?

If you spend the money on the children in foster care, there is no income. It is meant to be spent like child support...... on the kids. If you get into foster care for the money then you are doing it for all the wrong reasons.

What happens to child support money when you go to foster care?

Depends on the situation and reason the child goes into foster care but usually the biological parents have to pay the state and the state pay the foster family.

What you can offer a foster child?

As a foster parent you can offer a foster child your love, support and help them learn, grow and change as a person. You can offer them a stable and safe environment. Offer them support and care for them like you would your own. Most of all you can offer a foster child a home no matter how temporary. It's the sense of belonging and family that means everything to a foster child

Does a foster care stipend count as income in a child support hearing?

I spoke with a lawyer that he said it does.

Do you still pay child support if a child is removed from your custody and then adopted out?

If the child is in foster care you pay but not if the child is adopted. Then the child have new parents who are responsible for him/her.

Where does a child usually get placed if they are taken from both mother and father in Florida?

Foster care as a ward of the state.

How do you get child back from foster care Georgia statute?

Depends on why the child is in foster care. Consult your lawyer.

Should the father pay child support if he takes care of his children?

Both parents should pay child support. They both take care of their children.

Can you put the word foster in a sentence?

"My husband and I foster children.""They took care of a foster child.""As a child, she had a foster brother."

Father has full custody of children. Mother pays child support for them. Who is responsible for child care expenses?

The father does, since the mother is paying her share towards the children in the form of child support.