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Q: Does the father of our child have the right in Australia to force me to change his name?
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Can the court system force you to change your children's last name to the biological father's last nameis the father wants it done?

No, unless the biological father or the child himself requests it.

If your child is 12 and father pays child support but child doesnt want to go with him for visitations can child be made to go?

A child cannot be forced into seeing a parent if they don't want to. It's their decision and nobody elses. That is not correct, you can force the child to go, or the father can force them to go as they can not make any legal descions the parents do

If I want my child's father to see child and he doesn't want to can I force him legally?

No,The courts can force him to support the child financually but not emotionally , you can't force him to take an active role in the child's life. All babies have fathers....not all have dads though. Absolutely not! If the father is that adamant about not wanting to see their child, trying to force him by any court order is only going to make matters worse for you and for him. You could be opening up the probability of child abuse by him. Leave it be - get on with life.

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Can you force a father to sale land if he is behind on his child support?

Generally, a lien is placed on the property.

Do I have to force child support on an absent father who doesn't want custody of his child I live in Arkansas?

You should if you need the money to take care of your child. It's your choice though.

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Can my 14 year old be forced to visit with her father after he just filed for visitation for first time after i just applied for child support for first time?

If your child doesn't want to see the father then the courts can not force them.

How do you get the biological father to turn over his rights?

Without more information to go on, it's rather difficult to give much of an answer. If it's his child, and he wants to be in the child's life as an active father, and he is not abusive to the child, then you don't. You don't try to force him to give away his rights as the father, nor do you do that to your child. Children have a right to know, and be with, their biological parents unless the parents are abusive. Is it a case of two teens and an unwed pregnancy? If so, he still has his rights as the child's father. If you don't want to raise the child, then give him sole custody and sign away your rights. On the other hand, if he doesn't want the responsibility of raising the child himself, but is not willing to sign away his rights, then that's a different matter. But there is no way to force him to sign away his rights. If it's a case where you and the child's father are not together, and he is not involved in the child's life, and you have a husband who loves and wants to adopt your child, then, again, there is no way to force him to sign away his parental rights. In all of the above situations though, if you have custody of the child, you can have the courts force him to pay child support.

Can a court order your son's father to spend more time with him?

No, unfortunately. A court cannot force a father to spend time with his child. The court can issue a visitation order but cannot force the non-custodial parent to obey it.

Should Australia have a defence force?

Australia should and does have a defence force.

If paying child support does the father have the right to see the child?

The father has the right to see the child whether or not he pays child support. Child Support and Visitation are two separate issues. One does not depend on the other. The parties are required to obey both court orders.