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Q: Does the father of the bride wear a tux?
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Does the grooms father need a tuxedo for the wedding?

The groom and the bride's fathers can both wear a tux. It would be okay for the groom's father to wear a nice suit because he would not be the one walking the bride down the isle.

What does the bride and groom wear at Thailand weddings?

tux with tails bride wears a white brides gown with train.

Does the father of the bride have to wear a tuxedo?

Only if he wants to. USually, the father does wear a tuxedo.

What does the father of the bride wear?

A TUXEDO would be best.

What watch did Steve Martin wear in Father of the bride?

I believe it was "Who cares?"

Can one wear a turtle neck with a tux?

nooo. a turtle neck would be too casual to go with the tux.

What uniform can a Marine wear to his moms funeral?

a tux

What should a man wear to a formal dance?

A Tux

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What do men wear to attend a ball?

im guessing a suit or tux In truth it depends on if you are military or civilian. If you are in the military going to a military ball, most will require you to come in your dress uniform. Some will allow you to wear a tux. If you are civilian you should were a tux.

What kind of tux should your date wear if you have a nude and black lace dress?

You date should wear a black tux and white shirt if you are wearing a nude and black lace dress.

Is it ok for the father of the bride to wear a white suit to his daughter wedding?

It should be the bride that decides the color of the groom; best man; ushers and father's attire. If the groom, best man and ushers are wearing darker suits then the father should as well. No one should be in complete white other than the bride unless the bride decides she wants to be a little different. Although most whites seem white they are not and the bride should be the focal point and not the father.