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The United States Treasury Department makes the payments.

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Q: Does the federal government pay SSI or does the states the person resides in?
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What is the geographic distribution of federal government?

In terms of geographic location, the federal government resides mostly in Washington D.C. In addition, the Senators from particular states spend time working on their own states.?æ

What is a good sentence using the word republic?

A republic is a form of government where the power resides with the people. A good sentence would be: The United States is a Federal republic.

Do the states or the federal government decide how a person registers to vote?

Constitution defines who a voter is.

In what kind of government system is the national government subordinate to the states?

The power-sharing between a central government and those of the individual states is a federal government.

Can the federal government keep money to states if states don't adhere to federal law?

Absolutely! The Federal Government has done this many times.

Why do you call the US government a federal government?

The U.S. Government is called a Federal Government because it is at the Federal (or highest) Level, there is no other government above it.The United States is both a republic and a "federation" of the individual states. The national administration (of the states as a whole) is therefore the federal one.

How many federal districts does Mexico have?

Brazil has 1 federal districts and 26 states

What is North Carolina's federal government?

North Carolina, as with all States, has a state government, not a federal government.

Where is the federal government?

The federal government of the Unites States of America is located in Washington, DC.

How is a federal government created?

A federal government is created by all states coming together to form a national government. This was out of the need of the states to share authority in a central government.

What power are shared by the federal and state of government?

Powers shared between states and the federal government are Concurrent powers.

What is Mexico's current type of federal government?

Mexico's government is a federal republic similar to the government of the United States.