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Q: Does the femur insert into the pelvic girdle at the patella?
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Scientific name for hip?

The scientific name for the hip bone is the "os coxae" or "innominate bone."

What if femur does not attach to pelvic girdle?

you cant walk!

Is the knee cap deep to the femur?

The knee cap or (Patella) is distal and superficial to the femur. There are many tendons of muscles that originate on the femur that insert in the the patella, thus the patella and femur are closely related anatomically.

What is the name of the bone marking of the femur that articulates with the pelvic girdle?


How does the pelvic girdle merge with the sacrum and femur spine?

sacro-illiac joint

Which bones in the body support most of the body's weight?

the pelvic girdle

Joint between axail skeleton and pelvic girdle?

The sacroiliac joint. Between the Sacrum and iliac.

What bone is distal to the femur?

Yes, the patella is distal to the femur. This is because the patella is more distant than the femur to the attachment point to the trunk of the body. You can also say the femur is proximal to the patella.

Is the femur superior to the patella?

Nope. The patella is inferior to the metacarpals.

How many bones articulate with femur and patella?

The femur articulates with the patella, tibia, and OS coxae (hip bone). And the patella articulates with the femur only. So in all, not counting the femur and patella, two.

What part of the femur articulates with the pelvic bone?

One side of the pubis articulates interiorly with the other side of the pubis, joining at the pubic symphysis. Posteriorly it articulates with the sacrum, the Acetabulum proximally articulates with Femur bone. So therefore there are three articulation points for the pelvic girdle.

What are the spurs on ball pythons?

The spurs on pythons are called Pelvic Spurs. They are attached to what is left of the femur and pelvic girdle in Boas and Pythons. The males use them to tickle the females during courtship.