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Q: Does the flavor of gum affect the time it is chewed?
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Does the time gum is chewed affect the flavor?

After so long, a piece of gum will lose its flavor and taste bad after a while. If you fall asleep with a piece of gum in your mouth, it will stick to your tongue and break into pieces.

What flavor gum can be chewed the longest?


What is the difference between a stick of gum and a chewed gum?

the weight the flavor are both effect.

Time Zone difference between gum and Honolulu?

Gum does not have a time zone. Gum is a kind of candy that can be chewed. To my knowledge no candies have their own time zones. Gum is best when chewed in Guam.

What is the abbreviation of ABCDEFG?

A Boy Can Do Everything For a Girl Answer Already Been Chewed Dont Expect Flavor Gum

Does bacteria in your mouth affect the linc of the gum flavor?

Yes, the Salava from ur mouth mixes with the sugar gum and makes the gum flavor longer.

Most gum chewed at once how many pieces?

The record for most pieces of gum chewed at once is held by Chad Fell from the United States, who chewed on 256 pieces of gum at the same time in 2004.

Does the flavor of the gum affect how big the bubble gets?


What is the most gum chewed at once?

the total amount of gum ever to be in a persons mouth was 67 peices of gum

Why does chewed gum has less mass than unchewed gum?

because you have chewed out all the sugar or if its sugarless you've chewed the artificial sweetener

Why does the mass of gum change when chewed?

When you chew gum, some of it mixes with your saliva and breaks down into smaller molecules that can be swallowed or spit out. This process decreases the overall mass of the gum as it is being broken down and dissolved in your mouth.

How long does Eclipse gum last?

Eclipse gum comes in different flavors. The taste usually lasts anywhere from one-three hours. The more it's chewed, the faster the flavor disappears.