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Q: Does the frequency change when it is moved from air to water?
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When a sound wave passes from air into water do you expect the frequency wavelength to change?

The speed of the wave increases, the frequency remains constant and the wavelength increases. The angle of the wave also changes.

In the Doppler effect for sound if the source and receiver are at rest but the air is moving will there be any change in frequency or wavelength?

No change in frequency or wavelength.

What is the velocity change when the ray of light passes from air to glass?

When a photon goes say from air to water, it slows down according to; n=c/v where n is refractive index of water c is velocity of light in air v is velocity of light in water It is stated that the frequency of the photon doesn't change when the photon enters the water. Only the wavelength changes.

An object has natural green color What should be its color when it is viewed from inside water such that the object is in air and the observer is inside water?

The frequency of the incident light will not change, therefore, the colour will not change either. However, the object will appear closer to the observer since the index of refraction of air is less than that of the water.

Can you change the frequency on a air hogs havoc heli?

Unfortunately, you can't.

How do you change the pitch of a kazoo?

A kazoo makes sound when air is moved based a membrane causing it to vibrate. The harder a person blows, the faster the air moves, making the membrane vibrate faster (at a higher frequency), resulting in a higher pitch coming out of the kazoo.

When a light wave travels form air into water the quantity that remains unchanged it its speed amplitude wavelength or frequency?


When a ray of light from air enters to glass what happens to wavelength?

It will not change. Glass slows light but does not change it frequency.

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Does light's Energy Decreases as it travels from air into water?

No the Energy of the light doesn't change when it passes through rarer to denser medium. Only Wavelength changes which cause change in its direction. Since Frequency is directly proportional to the Energy and frequency is constant during refraction therefore the energy also remain constant.

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