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Yes, but not all. Gadasil has antigens from 4 different HPV types. 2 of those are the common causes of genital warts. The other 2 are for cervical cancers. Unfortunately, if I remember correctly, there are over a 100 types of HPV. Many are harmless, but some do cause Cervical cancer and genital warts. So, you still need to practice safe sex to protect yourself.

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14y ago
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14y ago

No your heightened risk for cervical cancer can not do that.

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13y ago

The answer is YES. This is because the HPV vaccines only have 2 or 4 HPV strands (2 version of HPV vaccines.) There are many more HPV stands out there.

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12y ago

It should, but you should still be careful around places and people that you could get warts, as the shots don't always work (Although, this is rare).

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What is a Gardasil shot for?

Gardasil is a vaccination that is intended to protect against four types of human papillomavirus (HPV).

How long to wait before getting the second Gardasil shot?

The normal wait is 2 months until the 2nd Gardasil shot. If you are late, you DO NOT need to restart the series.

Is it harmful to be high on marijuana and get a gardasil shot?

I'm about to find out

Does the third gardasil shot hurt?

They all feel the same.

Does the gardisel shot hurt?

The Gardasil shot hurts worse than almost any other shot I can think of. I got all three rounds of Gardasil last year. I got three other shots at the time of the first Gardasil (flu shot, tetanus shot, and meningitis), and the first Gardasil hurt worse than any of them. The second shot hurt worse than the first one, and the third one hurt worse than the second and the first one. It is worth it though, cancer is even worse. If you are getting the Gardasil shots, ask the nurse or doctor to inject a local anesthesia before the actual vaccine so that it doesn't hurt as bad.

How often do you get a gardasil shot?

Gardasil is given in 3 injections over the course of 6 months. You get the 2nd shot 2 months after the first one, and the 3rd shot 4 months after the second one. (Example: If you're first shot was on January 3, then the 2nd shot would be March 3, and the 3rd shot would be July 3)

Does gardasil make you fat?

Yes gardasil vaccine shot can make you gain weight. Well at least with me it did. At first i didn't know what was the reason for the weight gain and from research from others who have used it they have said the same thing. But everyone's body is different so maybe your body won't allow you to gain weight but with me i can say yes

Flu shot to prevent?

I bet it is to prevent the Flu.

Does gardasil react with marijuana in any way?

I just got my shot in the morning, then smoked in the afternoon. I'm not positive yet if it was a bad reaction from the shot and the type of weed but I had a horrible trip, I threw up, and I stopped breathing at a point. Word of advice: No matter what, do not smoke after getting the shot. Worst experience of my life.

How can you prevent mumps?

You can prevent mumps by getting a vacine shot when your young.

Can you prevent Mumps?

You can prevent mumps by getting a vacine shot when your young.