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They lI've in cold weather(south Georgia) hope this helps :)

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Q: Does the gentoo penguin live in hot or cold weather?
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Why are penguins homes in cold weather?

penguin live in the cold because that is their temperature\

How long can a Gentoo penguin live?

A adult Gentoo Penguin stands about two and a half feet tall (80cm), and weighs about 5kg.

What bird lives in the cold?

There are lots of birds which can adapt to cold weather by humans helping them, but some birds such as Greenfinch, for instance can only feed themselves in the cold weather. We can also consider Penguins as a kind of bird, which obviously is a cold weather bird.

In what weather do penguins live?

Penguins can live in very cold or temperate zones in the world. Penguins that are on Antarctica live in cold weather that can get as cold as -89.2 degrees Celsius. Penguin that are in the Galapagos Islands live in a temperate zone with temperatures that are cool but not as cold as in Antarctica

Where do gentoo penguin live?

This is from the wikipedia page on gentoo penguins: "Gentoos breed on many sub-Antarctic islands. The main colonies are on the Falkland Islands, South Georgia and Kerguelen Islands; smaller populations are found on Macquarie Island, Heard Islands, South Shetland Islands and the Antarctic Peninsula." So, they appear to "live" near Antarctica.

What kind of weather does a penguin live in?

depends where they live

Do alligatoras live in cold or hot weather?

they live in warm weather but they can live in cold weather because they are warm blooded.

What type of penguin lives in the snow?

There are four species of penguins which live in the snow and the icy water of the Antarctic: Adelie, Emperor, Chinstrapand Gentoo penguins.

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otter live in the cold winters weather

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What habitat does the penguin live in?

they live in antarctica which is a very cold contry they can live anywhere else but it has to be a cold place

Where do gentoo pengins live?
