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Q: Does the hall for lecture have a longer period for reverberation Illustrate?
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How do you lecture engineering subjects?

these subjects may be lectured with some kind oif visual aids like projector,ppt. presentation or transparencies,it makes the lecture more effective and it doesnot washout frm mind for longer period of time.

Which characteristic of the Neolithic period does this image illustrate?

the domestication of cattle

How does the period of a pendulum change for length?

A longer pendulum has a longer period. A more massive pendulum has a longer period.

How does length effect the period of a pendulum?

A longer pendulum has a longer period.

What effect does shortening the length of the pendulum have on the period of the pendulum?

A shorter pendulum has a shorter period. A longer pendulum has a longer period.

If a space shuttle goes into a higher orbit what happens to its period?

the higher the orbit, the longer the period. so it'll be longer

Can steroids make your period longer?

Steroids can make your period longer. They effect everyone in different ways. Your period can be effected even up to a month or two after the steroids.

What to do if period last longer than ten days?

If your period last longer then ten days I think you should talk to your doctor and she should be able to tell you what to take to stop your period, because I heard that it is some things to buy to stop your period last even longer than that.

How did the orchestral music of the Romantic period compare to that of the Classical period?

It was usually longer.

If you have finished your period and then get a cold can you bleed?

No because if your period is finished, then you can no longer bleed until your next period.

Does a Man or woman have longer refractory period?


How can you make your period last longer?

Your period lasts as long as your body needs it to. I am not sure why you would want to make your period last longer but you should not try to altar your bodies natural cycles.