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no. you can get Heart disease

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Q: Does the heart stay healthy
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Related questions

What percent of the heart is required to be healthy to become alive?

ALL of want to have a healthy heart to BE alive or to STAY alive

How do dancing feet lead to a healthy heart?

Dancing feet lead to a healthy heart because exercise increases cardiovascular health. The heart is a muscle and the muscle needs exercise to stay healthy.

What helps the heart stay healthy?

Eating right and getting exersice.

Can someone born with half a heart smoke weed or drink?

no if you have half a heart you will have to have many surgeries. sooner or later he/she will die. you have a good healthy heart to live. and stay healthy like eating right and get plenty of rest and exercise. so stay healthy, and remember to drink plenty of water. i was happy to answer your question

Why is running healthy?

Running is healthy because it keeps us to get moving so our body will stay fit and it's also very good for our heart

How much exercise should one do to stay healthy?

It is recommended that you exercise for 20 minutes a day, three times per week. This is enough to keep your heart healthy.

Why a chef to stay healthy?

Because they need to stay healthy

How does the heart keep itself healthy?

If you eat healthy and exercise regularly, your heart will be healthy.

What exactly is cholesterol ratio?

Your LDL Cholesterol Level should be at about 80-100. This is a good number for a healthy patient and will keep you healthy. If you stay at this level, you will probably not have any heart attacks.

What is one way to keep your heart healthy?

Try to stay away from junk food and eat more all natural foods

How do you stay fit and healthy?

To have at least 2 to 3 hours a week of vigorous exercise just to bring you heart rate up.

Why do we need to do some physical fitness sports and talent test?

to stay healthy, release stress, and help prevent heart attacks