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Everyone has a different pain tolerance so everyone would have different opinions on how bad an injection is. Both injections are into the muscle so the pain should about the same. After you get the injection I'd recommend doing some arm exercises and mildly rubbing the area.

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12y ago

Well I got the tetnus shot and it felt like your mussel was moving it hurts about a 6 out of ten. the chicken pox shot hurt about a 2 out of ten and it hurt for a day and you hove noting to worry about. And no it hurts less than the tdap( tetnus)

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Does the year 9 tentanus injection hurt?

Yes, the year nine tetanus shot hurts. It hurts more than most shots, but less than the HPV shot. It is more of a muscle ache afterwards though.

Why is your arm sore and swollen from tetanus shot?

Your not use to being shot all the time and sometimes when you get more than one shot in the same arm, it begins to swell up. Soon enough before three days the swelling will stop and return to its regular self.

If you got poked with a rusty wire form a tire blowout and have gotten a tetanus shot should you get another tetanus shot or any other kind of shot?

I stepped upon a rusty nail once. My doctor indicated that a tetanus booster is recommended if your most recent tetanus vaccination was more than 10 years ago.

Why is a tetanus shot so painful?

tetanus shots are painful because you are putting iron into your body and your blood has to regulate and accept it.I prefer the tdap shot because it actually has tetanus,diptheria, and pertussis vaccines all in one shot. It feels like a regular shot. You can't even tell that tetanus is in it!Got that shot today! Hope I helped.I received the t-dap and found it to be more painful than the regular tetanus. I still have a lump and soreness two and a half weeks out

Does the gardisel shot hurt?

The Gardasil shot hurts worse than almost any other shot I can think of. I got all three rounds of Gardasil last year. I got three other shots at the time of the first Gardasil (flu shot, tetanus shot, and meningitis), and the first Gardasil hurt worse than any of them. The second shot hurt worse than the first one, and the third one hurt worse than the second and the first one. It is worth it though, cancer is even worse. If you are getting the Gardasil shots, ask the nurse or doctor to inject a local anesthesia before the actual vaccine so that it doesn't hurt as bad.

Does you need to have anti tetanus vaccine when you bitten dog again?

Only If it has been more than a year since last shot!

Do finger pricks hurt more than shot?

yeah it depends of where and which finger you do it on.

What is a dt shot?

In most of the world, the term "DT shot" referrs to a vaccination against diphtheria and tetanus. You will more likely likely come across a "DPT" or "DPaT" vaccine. These vaccines are aimed at diphtheria, tetanus, and pertussis. In the Netherlands, "DTP" refers to a combination vaccine against diphtheria, tetanus, and poliomyelitis (rather than pertussis).

How long does tetnus injections last for?

You should get a tetanus shot every 10 years. If you work in an environment where you are more likely to get injured, you should get them every 5 years. If you get a wound that is deep or gets dirty then you should get a tetanus shot if it has been more than 5 years since your last one.

How do you prevent getting tetanus?

When you're an adult, you don't have to get your tetanus shot every 10 years if you don't want to. Doctors don't have time to chase everybody to make sure they have their shots every 10 years. They have more important things to do than that. If you have diabetes, epilepsy, asthma, HIV, cancer or any other uncurable disease, your physician can force you to get vaccinated every 10 years. He/she can force you to get the flu shot every year if you have health problems. But as long as you're an adult and you have no health problems, they can't force you to get a tetanus shot. If you have a bad burn, a deep cut that requires stitches, an animal bite or a surgery, the doctors can force you to get your tetanus shot. If they don't force you to get your tetanus shot and you develop diphteria or the tetanus disease, you could sue the doctors. Or if you're in a position where you can't sue ( wich would probably be the case), your family would sue the doctors for you.

How long after the tetanus shot does the redness pain and swelling last.?

No longer than 3 or 4 days.

What is a tetanus shot for?

A tetanus shot is an injection that vaccinates the recipient from an acute bacterial disease also known as tetanus or lockjaw.A tetanus shot contains the tetanus toxoid - which is an inactivated form of the toxin Clostridium tetani.The vaccination against tetanus is normally included in a combined vaccine called DTaP that protects against diphtheria, tetanus, and whooping-cough (pertussis).Read more at:tetanustoxoid