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no it does not

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Q: Does the inland west region get more rain than the great plains?
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What region is the largest in US?

The west is the largest region in the usa. It has More Square area!!!

What are facts about the interior plains?

The Interior Plains Region is located in Canada and the United States. The Interior Plains were formed when cratons collided and welded together. The Interior Plains Region is mostly flat due to more than 500 million years of relative tectonic stability. The only exception to the flatness is the Black Hills of South Dakota. The Interior Plains region in Canada is called Canada's breadbasket. There are more than 4,000,000 people in the interior plains region. Metamorphic and igneous rocks now form the basement of the Interior Plains and make up the stable important elements of North America. The Interior Plains were covered by shallow inland seas. Sediments from the shield and the Rocky Mountains were deposited in these seas over millions of years.

What region grows more wheat in the US Great Plains or the Colorado Plateau?

The Great Plains or Great American Desert as Lewis and Clark termed it was tamed and broken by the steel moldboard plow. Errors were made that the Dust Bowl pointed out to Western Plains farmers and it became and remains the Bread Basket of the World.

Are there great plains Indians and western great plains Indians?

Yes the plain indians live on the great plains. to learn more!

What North America region bordering rocky mountain eastern side?

The great plains (more specific) or the continental interior.

How many land regions does Colorado have?

Landforms regions of Wyoming include the Great Plains in eastern Wyoming, the Rocky Mountains in western and southern Wyoming, and the Wyoming basin in central Wyoming. To be more specific, there are the Great Plains and the Black Hills, the Middle Rockies and the Southern Rockies, the Yellowstone Plateau, the Wyoming Basin, and dunes and badlands.

Do tornadoes occur more in the great plains or in the valleys?

Tornadoes are more common on the Great Plains, though this has more to do with climate than with topography.

Which are more common in the Arabian gulf region plains or mountains?

Actually plains are more commonly found in Arabian gulf regions

Where in the US do tornadoes occur?

Tornadoes occur mostly in Tornado Alley. Tornadoes occur mostly in Tornado Alley, a region that stretches from Texas to Iowa with the highest activity in Texas, Oklahoma, and Kansas. However, all 50 states, including Alaska and Hawaii, have had tornadoes.

What do the Great Plains of the US and the Interior Plains of Canada have in common?

The Interior Plains is a vast region of North America that stretches from Canada's western arctic region all the way down to the border of Mexico. The Great Plains is a term used mainly in the US, referring to a large section of the Interior Plains, west of the Mississippi. The term includes Canadian territory, but is rarely used in Canada. In Canada it is more common to refer to the entire Interior Plains as one unit, or to use the term prairie. Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba are commonly called the Prairie Provinces.

What is the vegetation like in the great plains?

Most of the natural vegetation in the Great Plains consists of varieties of grasses. Medium and Tall grass were more common in the eastern portion of the Great plans while the western region was dominated by Bunchgrass steppes. Larger plants include Sagebrush, Mesquite, Yucca and Cactus.

Why does petrol price differ from inland to the coastal region?

This cost difference can be accounted for by the fact that is simply costs more money to transport it inland that simply to the coast.