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Q: Does the jugdical branch have money or giving money?
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Which branch appropriates money?

The executive branch is the branch that appropriates money.

Which branch of government can coin money?

The branch of the government that can coin money is the Legislative branch, which is Congress.

What branch can borrow money?

The Legislative Branch is the only part of the government that can authorize the borrowing of money. The Executive Branch can request the money be borrowed but cannot authorize it.

Which branch controls appropriations of money?

The legislative branch controls the appropriations of money, they are checking the executive branch(if you know about checks and balances)

Which branch has the power print money?

executive branch

What branch of government can borrow money?

The Executive Branch

The power making law is giving to which branch?

i have no clue

What branch borrows money?

the executive branch

What branch of government prints coin money?

The Legislative Branch.

Which branch of government regulates money and trade?

The llegistlative branch

Which US branch of government controls the appropriation of money?

Legislative branch

Which branch controls the money for the armed forces?

None. The Department of Defense gets allocated money and allocates it to each branch.