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Q: Does the land of nod exist or is it mythical?
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Cain was driven out to live in the land of Nod.

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nod (as in the Land of Nod = sleep)

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No!!! faires are mythical! they do not exist

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Cain was said to be exiled "to the land wandering". Early translations instead stated that he departed "to the land of Nod", which is generally considered a mistranslation of the Hebrew word Nod, meaning wandering. Hope this helps.

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You would get dragon babies. Nothing at they are mythical animals that do not exist.

Is the land of nod where the parable of the lost son toke place?

The land of Nod is where Cain was exiled after he killed Abel. The Bible does not say where the son went by name, it just states "to a distant land".

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Mermaids are mythical creatures because they appear in a variety of stories but do not exist in reality. They could not exist because they would be a contradiction of biology.