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No. Mass is independent of shape. The mass, as measured by weight, will be the same. If the material is compressible and you change the volume as a result of changing the shape, the density will change although the mass will not.

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Q: Does the mass of something change if you change it shape?
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Does the mass change?

if the shape changes the mass changes

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What is something that doesn't have definite shape or volume mass or container?

They all have definite shape ,volume ,and definite mass. A solid is a figure something that doesn't change when you move it like if you move a table out of a classroom it wouldn't. A liquid takes the place of its container.

Does the shape of an object change its density?

Changing the shape CAN change the density. If you change it into a smaller shape, then you increase the density. However the mass will not change.

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Changing the shape CAN change the density. If you change it into a smaller shape, then you increase the density. However the mass will not change.

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The mass of the solution will be equal to the mass of the solute plus the mass of the solvent. However, the total mass does not change.

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Food normally becomes a shapeless mass as it is digested, although if you have swallowed something that you cannot digest, it will retain its shape.

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Can you change the mass of a substance if you distort its shape?

The mass of a substance is not dependent upon the shape of the substance - it is directly related only to volume through its density. Therefore, just because you squash a cube of something into a flat oval, the mass of the substance shouldn't change because the overall volume hasn't changed.

What is a solid and a liquid?

a solid is something that hols its shape and a liquid is something that can change its shape.

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mass mass

When a substance undergoes a phase change it still has a definite A mass B shape C volume D temperature?

mass - the mass does not change