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"Follow the Fibonacci sequence" is shorthand for "this is all new agey claptrap and I have nothing useful to say".

I don't know what you mean when you ask this question, exactly. But, sure, I'm sure that with only a small amount of fudging you could somehow force the data to fit whatever you want it to.

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Q: Does the milky way follow Fibonacci sequence?
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What is one way to decide if two numbers follow a Fibonacci sequence?

They will always follow some Fibonacci sequence. If P and Q are any two numbers, then they belong to the Fibonacci sequence with the first two numbers as P and (Q-P).

Are there main sequence stars in the Milky Way?

Main sequence stars are found in all galaxies.

What is a recursive sequence and its relationship to a Fibonacci sequence.?

A recursive sequence uses previous numbers to find the next number in a sequence after the base case. The Fibonacci sequence is an example of such a sequence. The base numbers of the Fibonacci sequence are 0 and 1. After that base, you find the next number in the sequence by adding the two previous numbers. So, the Fibonacci sequence looks like so: 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8.... So, the third number is found by adding the first and second numbers, 0 and 1. So the third number is 1. The fourth number is found by adding the second and third numbers, 1 and 1. So, the fourth number is 2. You can continue on this way forever.

What type of math did Fibonacci do?

Fibonacci found a way to present mathematical numbers so that each number in the sequence is the sum of the two previous numbers. For example, if the sequence starts at 0 and 1, then next number in the sequence is 1, the next number would be 2, and then the next number would be 3, and then 5.

Why is a shell a Fibonacci?

Because the shape of Fibonacci is the same way and structure.

Are there any other galaxies in the universe shaped like the milky way?

We believe that the Milky Way is a barred spiral galaxy. Follow the link to see Hubble photos of other barred spiral galaxies.

What is the Milky Way in the sky?

There no milky way in sky there is only milky way galaxy

What galaxy is called the Milky Way?

The Milky Way galaxy is.... called the Milky Way Galaxy

What is the name of galaxy of the earth?

The galaxy that contains Earth and the rest of the Solar system is the Milky Way galaxy.

What galaxy do you live in?

We all live in the same Universe.

Where is the Milky Way in the glaxay?

the milky way is just the name of our galaxy, there isn't really a "milky way"

How far is the earth from Milky Way?

Zero. We are in it