

Does the moon creates its own light?

Updated: 9/20/2023
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12y ago

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No, the suns light bounces off of it.

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Q: Does the moon creates its own light?
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Does the moon have its own light?

In the Bible, God created the moon with its own light but i think that the moon nly reflects the light of the sun.

How does the moon light up?

The Moon is mainly illuminated by the Sun. All other light sources, like other stars, reflection of light from planets, are negligible.

How do moon produce their own light?

the light from the moon is a reflection of the light from the sun

Is the moon the star of earth?

No. Moon is not the star. Stars have their own light. Moon doesn't have its own light & it just reflects the light of the sun. The moon is Earth's natural satellite.

The moon shines with its own light?

the moon does not have its own light, it reflects the sun's light when it's daytime on the other side of earth

Moon does not have it own light?

The moon does not have it's own source of light, but instead reflects sunlight back at us.

Does the moon porduce it own light?

No, the only light available on the moon is the light emitted from the Sun.

Is the sun the only light source in the universe?

No, the Sun is not the only light source in the univrse. Every star is it's own light source, just as the sun is, but due to there distance they are not very effective. The Moon also creates a light source, because it reflects the light from the Sun back to earth. In the same way, if we where on the Moon, the Earth would be a light source, reflecting the light from the Sun at the moon.

How can you see the moon even though it does not light up?

Well, the sun's light shines on the moon making the moon more visible. It creates barely any light, though. The phases of the moon are the parts of the moon that we can see the sun shining on.

Does the moon make it's own light?

No because the Moon reflects the light of the Sun.

Does the moon has its own light source?

No. The moon shines because it reflects light from the Sun.

Does a moon produce light of its own?

no. it's the light is from the sun. it is reflected off the moon.