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Some mother dogs have a problem with they can become a little depressed and so some puppy searching (whineing for and looking all over for pups ) some mother dogs don't eat its just the personality of your dog if it help get a stuft animal and giveit her so that she can nurture it .your dog just probably is having a hard time with accepting the litter has died and still has mother insticts and that's what s worrying her

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13y ago

if the puppies have just been born yes but if they re at least eight weeks old its fine to take them away from they're mothers because it is in their nature to separate at an early age

hope i helped :)

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Q: Does the mother dog get upset when the puppies leave?
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Is it normal for a mother dog to go a little crazy after a puppy dies?

Yes, mother dogs do love their puppies, and will become upset if a puppy dies.

Is it smart to let the dog mother leave the puppies?

t's not recommended but as long as someone is watching the puppies and its only for like 4 mins.

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Because the puppies get cold.

What is the number of puppies dogs has?

the number of puppies a dog will have depends on the breed, and size of mother dog in question.

What happens to the mother dog if puppies are not deliverable?

The mother might die unless the puppies are surgically removed.

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the other puppies will be born and the dead puppy will simply just come out.

How do you tell if a dog that's pregnant has had its puppies?

You see the puppies around the mother.

Can all puppies be taken away at once from the mother?

After 8 weeks they can all be taken away at once yes, BUT it can upset the mother dog because she will feel as if all of her work feeding and looking after them has done no good :(

How many puppies can a mother dog have?

It depends on the breed

How do you know if the mother rejects the puppy?

When she gives birth to her babies she would usually just leave them and go her own way.Or she would hurt them,sometimes even kill them.Try testing a dog with puppies..if you put them close to her she could get really upset and try to get away from them or bite them

The mother dog just ate one of her dead puppies is it ok for her to nurse the other puppies?

NO it is not okay separate the puppies from the mother. Yes, just like a human mother they eat food, they get more milk and for the mother dog she gets twice more milk in her breasts

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Puppies are 3 days old...