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Whales are taught to hunt like lions teach their cubs: they do it and the cubs copy.

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Q: Does the mother teach the baby how to hunt for food?
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Does a tiger learn to hunt from its mother?

Yes,the mother teaches its baby tiger how to hunt its food

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They eat food that the mother brings back from her hunt.

What does a polar bear mother teach her cubs?

It is the mother polar bear that teaches her cubs (usually two cubs) by example. Cubs often hamper their mother's hunting, but eventually the cubs become able to exist on their own. A mother polar bear will try to avoid meeting an adult male polar bear, as there is a danger the male may kill and eat her cubs.

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A baby dolphine doesn't eat food when it is a baby. It actually feeds from its mothers milk until it is old enough to hunt fish for itself otherwise the mother will do it for them.

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CubA baby cheetah is simply called a cheetah cub. They rely on their mother's to teach them how to hunt, thus stay with the mother until they are two years of age.

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yes baby wolves do have babysitter the mother go and hunt and that the baby sitter stay with the the wolves then when the mother done she go back and she give some food to the babysitter like our mom they go to work and the baby sitter get payed not food

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How long do Mother Penguins hunt for food?

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Does a mother cheetah feed it's young?

Yes! She supplies her milk for them and when the are old enough she will bring them meat, (antelopes, etc.) she will at some point teach them how to hunt on their own (with help and pointers of course.)

How long do baby aye ayes stay with their mom?

They usually stay with their Mother for about 3 years, but some do stay more. Mostly until they thicken into adult size and their Mother teach them how to hunt properly.

When does a baby lion start hunting?

They immediately hunt for their mother...