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The nucleus by itself does not have many regulatory abilities. However, the nucleus contains the genetic material of a cell. Since the genome controls all cellular activities, it can be said that the nucleus indirectly controls all cellular activities.

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15y ago
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14y ago

Yes, it does. There is always a Nucleus in any type of cell, be it plant or animal.

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12y ago

The nuclear control the cell then the nucleolus is iside the nucleolus.

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Q: Does the nucleus contain chromosomes and controls the activity of the cell?
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The chromosomes in the nucleus contain coded that control all cellular activity?

It's true that the chromosomes in the nucleus contain coded information in the form of DNA that controls all cellular activity. DNA is also found in mitochondria; this DNA is only inherited from the individual's mother and not father.

What part of a cell that contains chromosomes and genes and controls all cell activity?


What in the cell was controls and coordinates the activities of the cell?

The nucleus by way of the chromosomes, which contain the genes (DNA).

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The nucleus is the organelle that has DNA because the nucleus also has chromosomes which store directions that carry information that controls the cell's activities.

What part controls the activity of a cell?

The answer is nucleus :)

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nucleus controls the cell functions with directions given by the chromosomes inside of it

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What structures are in the nucleus that contains DNA?

The structures in the nucleus that contain DNA are known as chromosomes. There are 46 chromosomes in the human cell.

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A cell is a complete structure, it controls itself.

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What is a membrane bound nucleus?

The membrane bound nucleus is an organelle that controls the cells growth and reproduction. It also has chromosomes that contain the genetic information vital for reproduction of cells.