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Yes it is motor and parasympathetic.

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Q: Does the oculomotor nerve have motor fibers?
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Are efferent nerve fibers described as motor nerve fibers?


Which autonomic motor fibers are carried by the vagus nerve?

Vagus nerve carries parasynpathetic nerve fibers .

What the function of the motor nerve fibers?

The motor nerve fibers help stimulate the Erector pili muscle. 1E19C8CC-7D89-BDE4-BA84-6679CBF217D2 1.02.28

What is the function of the oculomotor nerve?

oculomotor nerve control the muscle that move the eyeball.close visionMovement of the eyes.Focusing the eyes on close objects.

What part of a spinal nerve contains only efferent fibers?

The ventral root of the spinal nerve has the efferent fibers and the dorsal root has the afferent. Prior to joining each other in the spine they each consist of only those fibers.

Opening the eyes involves the what nerve?

oculomotor nerve

A young woman is brought to the emergency room with extremely dilated pupils Her friends say that she has overdosed on cocaine What cranial nerve is stimulated by this drug?

maybe the oculomotor nerve is affected( whIcH we alreadY kNown thaT tHe fUnctiON of oculomotor nerve is a mOtor to mOve the eyebAll aNd parasyMpathetic nerve fiber tO cOstriCt tHe pupil) and if thIs nerVe was erruPted,the pUpil will be dilaTed or extremeLy dilated

What cranial nerve is chiefly responsible for eye movements?

oculomotor, trochlear, abducens

Are effernet nerve fibers described as motor nerve fibers?

Yes, remember the mnemonic SAME DAVESAME DAVE:sensory is afferent, motor is efferentdorsal is afferent, ventral is efferent

What type of nerve fibers are found in the ventral ramus of a spinal nerve?

Both sensory and motor

Spinal nerve contains both motor and sensory nerve fibers for 2-way communications?
