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NO it has to do with the sense of smell

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Related questions

What is olfactory bulb?

olfactory bulb is related with sense of smell. in human it has small in size but in animals its size is so large. therefore the sense on smell in animals is better then human

The olfactory bulb is related to the sense of smell as papillae are related to the sense of?


Where is the olefactory bulb located?

The olfactory bulb (for the sense of smell) is located in the limbic system of the brain.

What is olfactory fatigue?

it's a condition that deadens the sense of smell

Where all the ends of the sensory receptors for the sense of smel located?

olfactory bulb

Olfactory nerve filaments are found?

in the olfactory bulb

How can an infection that spreads from the frontal or maxillary sinus impair the sense of smell?

If there were to be an infection in this area, it is possible that you would not receive chemical input from the environment. And for the second portion of your homework... Olfactory cells, olfactory nerve, and olfactory bulb :)

What structures are the receptors for the sense of smell?

The receptors that actually bind with the molecules that we smell are called Olfactory receptor neurons. They pass their signal through the caribform plate, then down the olfactory nerve, and finally to the olfactory bulb in the brain.

Receptors for the sense of smell are located within the?

the olfactory bulb is located above the cribriform plate

Which part of the brain is responsible for smelling?

For smell, the olfactory bulb (a brain structure directly above the nasal cavity and below the frontal lobe) interprets smell. The olfactory nerve endings are in the upper nasal cavity and detect smells. For taste, lower primary somatic sensory cortex interpreters the sense of taste. There are 5 different taste buds on the tongue that sense taste.

What part of the brain controls smell?


What is the bony structure between the olfactory epithelium and the olfactory bulb?

Cribriform plate