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Yes, so long as they agree to raise their children according to the beliefs of the Orthodox Christian faith.

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Yes, so long as the godparent is an Orthodox Christian.

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Q: Can unmarried parents baptize their baby in the greek orthodox church?
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How does The Orthodox Church baptize?

Yes, the Eastern Orthodox Christian Church does baptise members. Unless you are a baptised member, you cannot receive Holy Communion, or any other Mysteries of the Church. The word 'baptize' means to immerse in water. The Orthodox Church continues this Apostolic practice of baptising by triple immersion.

How does the Greek Orthodox Church baptize people?

By full immersion (3 times) in water. Not by sprinkling.

I was baptized a Roman Catholic but confirmed Orthodox and I married a Greek Orthodox can I have my nephew baptized in a Catholic Church?

Since you are confirmed Orthodox and married a Greek Orthodox, the Orthodox Church requires that any children you may have should be baptized Orthodox. Also, as an Orthodox, you are not allowed to baptize your nephew or any other person in a catholic church. From the Catholic point of view, unless your nephew is to be reared a Catholic, he may not be baptized in the Catholic Church. If he is to be reared Catholic, either by his parents or godparents, the Church will receive him. No you are GREEK orthodox u must not I reapeat not baptisma your child at a catholic church.

Can a pentecostal marry in an Eastern Orthodox church or vice versa?

The Orthodox Church tolerates marriage between an Orthodox to non-Orthodox Christian provided: * The non-Orthodox is baptized in water and in the Name of the Father, of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. * The couple should be willing to baptize their children in the Orthodox Church and raise and nurture them in accordance with the Orthodox Faith.

What is Helen Thomas's religion?

She was raised in the Greek Orthodox church. Her parents were from Lebanon.

Can you baptize a baby in the Catholic Church named Holly or Penny?

Parents may name their children as they see fit and if the name is Penny or Holly, so be it, as the Church does not forbid parents the right to name their progeny.

Does the American Orthodox Catholic Church worship on Saturdays?

There is an Orthodox Church and a Catholic Church. There is no Catholic Orthodox Church.

Greek orthodox church is also known as the?

Eastern Orthodox Church (or the Christian Orthodox Church).

What is the name of the first church in the Bahamas?

first baptize church

Marrying an Orthodox Christian woman?

The Catholic Church allows marriage between Catholics and non-Catholics. The interfaith couple will have to + Get permission from the bishop + Take a pre-marriage course + Promise to baptize and educate their children in the Catholic Church.

Do orthodox have baptism?

The word baptize comes from the Greek word 'baptizma' which means to immerse and completely cover in water. Sprinkling with water is called 'aspersion', but it is not the same as a baptism. An Orthodox baptism is recognized by all Catholics, but Catholic baptisms are not recognized by all Orthodox, because Catholic baptisms are actually done by aspersion or sprinkling, rather than by full immersion (which is what the Greek word 'baptize' means) and baptism has been the tradition of the Orthodox Church for the last 2,000 years.

What is the correct way to be baptize?

The right Baptism is the Baptism to the Orthodox Church . This is Because almost from the very beginning, Christians referred to the Church as the "One, Holy, Catholic (universal) and Apostolic Church". Today, in addition to the Orthodox Church, a number of other Christian churches lay claim to this title (including the Roman Catholic Church, the Anglican Communion, the Assyrian Church and the Oriental Orthodox Church); however, the Orthodox Church considers these other churches to be schismatic and, in some cases, heretical. In the Orthodox view, the Assyrians and Orientals left the Orthodox Church in the first few centuries after Christ, and later the Roman Catholics did the same, becoming the largest ever group to leave the Church. This event is known as the East-West Schism, and it is traditionally dated to the year 1054, although it was more of a gradual process than a sudden break.