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Q: Does the pH level of a drink effect the affect of the drink on pennies?
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It has no significant effect on the oil level.

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The stress level will be increased. In this case, the word "affect" should be used.

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sea levels effect people by coming closer to an tsunami

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No it cannot. A monster affected with an affect that reduces its level to less than one automatically negates the effect.

9th grade level biology question. Temperature and what can affect enzyme activity?

effect of ph and concentration of subtrate

Does gender effect lung capacity?

Yes, gender does affect lung capacity. Other factors that affect lung capacity include age, weight, height and level of fitness.

How do plant hormones effect human health?

Plant hormones balances the hormones of humans. For example, soybean (Glycine max) affect the level of HDL, also affect the level of blood pressure and sex hormones estrogen due the phytoestrogen concentration of the plant.

If water splashes out of a graduated cylinder during a measurement of the volume of pennies Will it affect the results?

Measuring the volume of pennies by their displacement requires that only water actually displaced by the pennies is measured. Unless the water was at the very top of the cylinder both before and after the pennies are added, splashed water will make the measurement invalid.Because surface tension forms a curved surface at the top of the water, it is advisable to have the cylinder only partly filled, and measure the level at the same part of the curved water surface both before and after the pennies are added. This will improve the accuracy of measurement.

If you drink a lot of alcohol will your THC level go down?

Has no effect on it at all. You'll just get messed up worse, and stay messed up longer.

Where would the sea level rise affect?

The sea level rising would affect along the coast lines and since Greenland is just one big glacier it would definitely affect along the Eastern sea coast. It will also flood many towns and cities along the coast which will effect everyone along the coast but not for a while.

What is a good tasting diabetic drink?

There is a diabetic drink that people are giving great reviews. This drink is called GlucoBurst. This drink regulates the glucose level in your body and helps maintain a healthy sugar level.

What color Gatorade should you drink when your sick?

It contains electrolytes which are needed on the cellular level for healing and good health.