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Yes, the papillary layer of the skin consists of areolar connective tissue.

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Q: Does the papillary layer consist of areolar connective tissue?
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Related questions

Is the dermis an avascular connective tissue layer?

The papillary layer of the dermis is made up of areolar connective tissue.

Is areolar tissue a connective tissue?

Yes, areolar tissue is a type of connective tissue.

What kind of connective tissue acts as a sponge?

Areolar Connective

What layer of the dermis has areolar connective tissue?

A type of loose connective tissue, areolartissue forms delicate, thin membranes throughout the body. The cells of this tissue, mainly fibroblasts, are located some distance apart and are separate by a gel-likeextracellular matrix containing many collagenousand elastic fibers that fibroblasts secrete.Areolartissue also binds the skin to the underlying organs and fills spaces between muscles. It lies beneath most layers of epithelium, where its many blood vessels nourish epithelial cells.

What composes basement membrane?

Areolar connective tissue composes basement tissue. This is a soft packaging tissues that features a jellylike matrix. This type of tissue is one of the most widespread throughout the human body.

A soft packaging tissue with a jellylike matrix?

A soft packaging tissue with jellylike matrix is called a areolar. It mainly composes the basement membrane that lines the organs of the body including the skin.

What makes up the papillary layer of the dermis?

"more superficial layer of dermis; composed of areolar connective tissue; contais dermal papillae" "Human Anatomy" 2nd editionDense, irregular connective tissue

What special qualities does the connective tissue of the dermis have?

The dermis is the second layer of the skin. The dermis is made up of dense irregular (fibrous) connective tissue. Dermis consists of both elastin and collagen, it gets more heavily compsed of collagen as it goes deeper however.Dense irregular connective tissueyes Areolar

What tissue type are fibroblasts?

Connective tissue.

What type of tissue is areolar?

Areolar tissue is a type of connective tissue.

Is mesentery made up of areolar tissue?

Yes, areolar tissue is an important part of the mesentery.

Why would areolar tissue be considered the prototype for connective tissue proper?

All of the cell types found in other forms of connective tissue proper can be found in areolar tissue.