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Q: Does the parsley have to b dried out before rabbits eat it?
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they can eat food from the pet store but they wont eat the dried corn also hay that rabbits eat

Can pet rabbits eat parsley?

NO!!!!! They will have digestion problems!!!!!! All spiced and seasoned herbs like basil, parsley, and peppers give the rabbit an upset stomach and might cause the rabbit to have diarrhea.

Can rabbits eat dianthus?

There are some flowers that bunnies can eat (like roses, violets, dandelions), but there are also many flowers that are toxic or just unhealthy for bunnies. See the related links and questions below for more information.

Can rabbits eat matzoh?

No, rabbits can't eat matzo or any bread product. Rabbits can't eat foods that are cooked or prepared for humans. Aside from their pellets, and hay (dried grass), rabbits should only eat certain fruits and vegetables. See the related question below for more details about a healthy rabbit diet.

Can rabbits eat cloves?

No, cloves are too potent for a rabbit, and tough and sharp. Do not feed your rabbit cloves, or any dried spices or dried herbs. See the related question below for more info about a healthy rabbit diet.

Can slugs eat parsley?

Slugs can eat parsley. Slugs can eat anything, even if it kills it.

What does parsley eat?

Parsley is a plant. Plants do not eat, they make their food from sunlight.

Can rabbits eat rosemary?

First answer: Rabbits can eat apples and carrots but can not eat parsley as it will get stuck in their digestive system and could make it constipated so if you have a rabbit, do NOT give it carrots.Different answer: Rabbits can eat parsley, and most of them love it! Parsley will NOT get stuck in the rabbit's digestive system. Parsley can be included in the rotation of daily "salad" greens. However, parsley is high in calcium, and may lead to kidney problems (like kidney stones or urine sludge). If your rabbit has kidney/urine problems, you may want to avoid parsley; if not, just don't feed it too often.Rabbits can eat apples and carrots, but only as a treat. Both of these foods are high in natural sugars. Too much sugar can lead to gas in the short-term (and deadly illness: GI stasis); and, in the longterm, obesity. A bite or two of carrot or apple is fine.See the related questions below for more info and helpful links.

Can parsley tea cause a miscarriage?

Parsley is considered a uterine stimulant, which may lead to miscarriage.

What living things do rabbits eat?

Rabbits are herbivores. The only living thing rabbits eat are plants. See the related question below for more details about what rabbits eat.Other AnswersSome female rabbits will need to eat meat before they have babies because they need the protein and if they don't get it they will eat their babies.I've never heard of that before. It is definitely not recommended to feed your rabbit meat, ever, even pregnant rabbits. Rabbits are herbivores and can't digest meat properly.

Do cows eat cow parsley?

Of course cows eat parsley, they are allergic to tomatoes though

Is parsley safe for a cat to eat?

no they can not other wise your cat will die