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Yes, it is 'earned income' under the tax codes.

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Q: Does the pay for jurors have to be declared?
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Does the state prosecutor have to get new jurors after a mistrial has been declared?

If a mistrial has been declared, a new jury is seated if the prosecutor brings the case again.

What three things are jurors told to?

Jurors are told to pay attention to the evidence, not discuss the case with anyone outside of court, and to be impartial.

In The Apology by Plato who does Socrates mention to the jurors to prove that he is better than they are?

Socrates mentions the oracle of Delphi, who declared him the wisest of all men, as evidence that he is better than the jurors. He explains that while the jurors may think they are wise, he alone is aware of his own ignorance, which makes him wiser than they are.

Who does Socrates mention to the jurors to prove that he is better than they?

Socrates mentions the Oracle of Delphi, who declared him the wisest of all men. He believes that his quest for knowledge and self-awareness puts him in a superior moral position compared to the jurors.

How much pay do jurors receive in capital crime cases?

The amount of pay that jurors receive in capital crime cases varies depending on the jurisdiction. In some jurisdictions, jurors may receive a daily stipend or per diem for jury duty, while in others, they might be paid a lump sum. Generally, the pay for jurors in capital crime cases is higher than in other types of cases due to the extended duration and complexity of these trials.

How do witnesses and jurors participate in some of the duties of American citizenship?

Obey the laws, pay taxes, and defend the nation.

What are three things jurors are told to do at a trial?

Pay attention to the witnesses, observe the proceedings and decide that justice will be served.

Who declared war on the US when they refused to pay a bribe?

Tripoli declared war on the United States after the US refused to pay a bribe.

What does bankrupt mean in a sentence?

"Bankrupt" means that a person or organization is unable to pay their debts and is legally declared insolvent.

The pay-in and pay-out dates for the settlement calendar is declared?

by the respective Stock Exchanges.

Who takes attendance of jurors?

The bailiff will take attendance of the jurors.

How do you use the word jurors in a sentence?

We are fresh out of qualified jurors in this county.